Consultant Roster FAQs
  1. What is the Consultant Roster?

This is a roster for consultants who are interested in working on WWF Nepal Consultancy Assignments

  1. Why should I get registered on the Consultant Roster?

For a consultant to work on assignments with WWF Nepal, they must be registered on the Consultant Roster.

  1. Instead of using the roster, can I send my CV by email?

No, you cannot be registered on the consultant roster by emailing your CV.

  1. I’m having difficulties completing the registration, who should I contact?

You can email regarding any difficulties with registration.

  1. When will I be informed about the next step?

You will be informed about your status of being shortlisted or rejected for each category .

  1. After registration, what should I do?

You will be You will be informed about your status of being shortlisted or rejected for each category after which you will be informed about various assignments on a need basis.

  1. I have confusion regarding which category I apply to. What should I do?

If you visit the registration site, you will find further information about all categories so you can decide which ones match best with your expertise.

  1. I have already registered in the roster before, do I need to re-register?

Yes, the new roster shall replace all former enlistments

  1. Once I have been registered and shortlisted into the roster, when will I get assigned consultancy?

Once you are registered and shortlisted on the roster, WWF Nepal will invite you to bid for consultancy assignments on a needs basis.