Internal Governance Tool 3: Participatory Governance Assessment

Posted on July, 30 2013

 Participatory Governance Assessment
The Participatory Governance Assessment tool is used to assess good governance practices in community groups. A group of selected participants evaluates the extent to which the decision making and management practices in a community group comply with the four ‘pillars’ of good governance: transparency, participation, accountability and predictability. The assessment is guided by a set of sixteen governance indicators which participants rate as very good, good, moderate or poor. Responses are recorded on a matrix and later presented visually as a spider-web diagram. Finally, a Governance Improvement Plan is formulated. In addition to ensuring that monitoring and evaluation processes are participatory, use of this tool can help to improve the overall functioning of a community group and its ability to manage natural resources in an equitable and sustainable manner.

Please download to view the entire briefing paper.
Briefing Paper: Participatory Governance Assessment
© WWF Nepal