WWF signs second MoU with Judges Society Nepal in efforts to curb wildlife trade

Posted on January, 31 2023

30 January 2023, Kathmandu: WWF Nepal signed a second Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Judge’s Society Nepal recommit to join hands and work together for the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature in Nepal.

“WWF Nepal takes immense pride in working with Judge’s Society Nepal. Curbing wildlife crime will require consolidated efforts from all actors- community, judiciary bodies, law enforcement, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (DNPWC) and Department of Forests, local governments and the conservation community. Wildlife crime is now among the top 4 crimes committed in the world. We are fully committed to working with Judge’s Society Nepal and other partners to fight wildlife crime” said Dr. Ghana Shyam Gurung, Country Representative of WWF Nepal.

The intent of this MoU is to use the knowledge, resources, and networks of both parties efficiently and effectively in a meaningful partnership to control poaching as well as illegal trade of endangered species and to bring the criminals into the net of the law through stringent legal action.

“We need to work on strengthening the capacities of law enforcement and judiciary bodies- specially in National Park adjacent regions to be able to mitigate wildlife crime. They must understand the importance and urgency of wildlife conservation.” Said Hon’ Tek Prasad Dhungana, General Secretary of Judge’s Society Nepal.

“Nepal’s wildlife is our national heritage and pride. This awareness should be in all citizens and even more importantly within the law enforcement agencies. Completely stopping wildlife crime may seem like a far-fetched goal but we can definitely commit ourselves to minimize and mitigate it to a large degree” said Hon’ Ishwor Prasad Khatiwada, Chairperson of Judge’s Society Nepal.

With this MoU, WWF Nepal and Judge’s Society Nepal will continue the collaborative efforts to curb wildlife crime in Nepal.
MoU signing between WWF Nepal and Judges Society Nepal
© WWF Nepal/Sneha Tamrakar