Terai Arc Landscape shortlisted as the “World Restoration Flagship”

Posted on March, 31 2023

Terai Arc Landscape has been shortlisted by UNEP/FAO as the “World Restoration Flagship” as a part of the ongoing UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration Campaign (2021-2030).

World Restoration Flagships are the first, best, or most promising examples of large-scale and long-term ecosystem restoration that add value and embody the 10 Restoration Principles and inspire others to undertake or accelerate restoration at a significant scale.

It is through the decades of combined restoration efforts and hard work by the concerned stakeholders that lead to this historic achievement. The selection process was extremely competitive and it had a very specific set of criteria to be met. Applicants also had to comply to the greatest extent possible to the 10 Restoration Principles of global contribution, broad engagement, many types of activities, benefits to nature and people, addresses causes of degradation, knowledge integration, measurable goals, local and land/ seascape contexts, monitoring and management and policy. All applications were thoroughly evaluated by esteemed scientists. It was worth the wait!

Huge congratulations to the Ministry of Forests and Environment, Department of Forests and Soil Conservation, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation for this historic achievement. Most importantly it is also the honor of the local people, DFOs, Wardens, CFUGs/CFCC, BZUCs and Conservation Partners to be a part of this combined restoration effort. WWF Nepal is thankful to the Government of Nepal and local communities for having us as a partner throughout this journey. Congratulations to all the concerned stakeholders!
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