WWF Nepal joins hands with NFDIN to uplift indigenous community voices

Posted on January, 18 2023

18th January 2023, Kathmandu: WWF Nepal signed an MOU with the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities (NFDIN), to work together to uplift indigenous community voices, by promoting right based approach efficiently and effectively for biodiversity conservation by adapting Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) guidelines.

The Vice Chairperson of NFDIN, Mr. Gokul Prasad Gharti mentioned that the collaboration will also emphasize on inclusion and meaningful participation of indigenous people, equitable natural resource management and upliftment of indigenous communities via livelihoods promotion. Dr. Ghana Shyam Gurung, Country Representative of WWF Nepal further stressed on ensuring indigenous community voices are safeguarded though these processes.

WWF recognizes that conservation and regeneration activities benefit from Indigenous Peoples being partners in their design and implementation.  WWF recognizes the right of Indigenous Peoples to give, modify, withhold, or withdraw their free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) to interventions, or parts thereof, that may affect their peoples, or their lands, territories, and natural resources. 

You can learn more about FPIC here.
MOU signing between WWF Nepal and NFDIN
© WWF Nepal/Bivishika Bhandari